Apolo IT Apps

CeliacCode 3.0
Apolo IT
We try to make the life easier to all peoplewho needs to buy celiac products and want to check if the food iscertified by any valuable entity.The application really has the report from ANMAT (NationalAdministration of Drugs, Foods and Technology, by the Spanishacronym), Argentina organism, delivered the March 13 from2016It also have the list of medicine that is provided by the ANMATBecause we want to satisfy our client, we want to know:-Your opinion, suggestions, changes and ideas.-If any celiac association, group o entity (from any country) wantto participate and show their data about adequate products or anyother valuable information.-If you are a celiac food producer and you want to promoteit.CeliacCode has been created to help the celiac community to findadequate products and/or gluten free. The responsibility oftruthfulness of the data contained in CeliacCode is from theperson, entity or company which did the information. APOLO IT isn´tresponsible about any non-fulfillment from the informationpublished through by CeliacCode.CeliacCode is an application developed by Apolo IT:www.apolo-it.com.arRelacionado a: Alimentos Sin TACC, Alimentos SIN GLUTEN, Glutenfree food, Alimentos celiacos,celiaco,celiacos, Listado deAlimentos sin TACC,celiacos argentina, celiaquia, Listado alimentoANMATEULA: http://celiaccode.com/eula